JHU OAIC Awards, Grant Year 2024-2025


LOI Due Date: Friday, April 12, 2024. Download PDF Instructions here.

The National Institute on Aging-supported Johns Hopkins Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC; https://peppercenter.jhu.edu/) is soliciting Letters of Intent (LOI) for scientific projects related to physical frailty in older adults.  These proposals should aim to elucidate the etiology of frailty, develop interventions/management strategies for frailty, or develop methodologies to better study physical frailty in older Americans. Proposals leveraging large databases to evaluate inflammatory etiological pathways as well as modern biomarkers for frailty, advancing translation of frailty concepts or measures for improved clinical care and management, technology focused on the treatment / management of frailty, or addressing health equity concerning frailty in older adults are particularly welcome. Applicants from historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Mechanisms for funding are:

  • Pilot / Exploratory Studies Core Award (max $40K), which supports faculty conducting a frailty-related research project
  • Clinical Translation Core Development Project Award (max $35K), which supports methods-focused research on clinical translation related to frailty
  • Technological Assessment and Solutions Core Award (max $35K), which supports methods-focused research on technological projects related to frailty

In addition to these funds, awardees will have access to biostatistical/analytical, molecular measurement, clinical translational, and technological core support.

LOI Submission Process:

The LOI should be targeted to one of the awards described above, be up to 2 pages in length, and include the following components: 1) overview and study aims; 2) statement of significance to the field of frailty research; 3) summary of research, study design, and data analysis approach; and 4) for junior faculty applicants, a named mentor and brief overview of proposed career development activities. LOI and NIH Biosketch should be submitted as either Word or PDF documents to the JHU OAIC Administrator, Brian Buta, [email protected], by Friday, April 12, 2024.

Review process and next steps:

The proposed principal investigator must be from Johns Hopkins. LOIs will be reviewed in mid-April 2024.  Selected projects will be invited to submit full project proposals, due by Friday, May 24, 2024. Detailed information on full proposal requirements will be provided. The award period for funded applications will be July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the suitability and relevance of proposed scientific projects ahead of the LOI deadline. Please direct questions to [email protected].